4 little changes that’ll make a big difference with your niche

Are you struggling to find out a suitable ‘Niche’?

Are you confused about what to choose to proceed further?

Whether you have many questions like what is Niche and why is it important? Then you have landed in the right place!

‘Niche’ is a unique combination of your passion, talent, and market needs. Niche selection is very important for digital marketing.

Don’t panic. I will make it simpler.

You might be passionate about many things right from your childhood. Say, for example, you might be interested in drawing, painting, dancing, music and many other things.

But as you grow up, things will turn differently that your interest might be on something else like technology, gadgets, lifestyle, fitness, and many other things.

Do you feel that you are following your passion and building your career around that? Obviously No!

Most of us fail to focus on our passion due to the compulsion to work and earn money. Some might do jobs willingly and some out of compulsion. But something might be nagging us always. Make us to think like,

What is this life? Is this the one I was aspiring to become? Right?

Frustration, disappointment, and demotivation are the main killers of our attitude.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr.

There are lots and lots of opportunities available with a single click of our mouse that we bypass. Yes, you heard it right! The only thing we need to focus on is the right thing with patience.

As you are aspiring to do something in the digital world and thinking about it more deeply, it is high time you kick start the same. Here are the four little things you need to follow to identify your customer avatar for excelling in your “Niche”.

(1) Choose a topic

The first step you need to do is to identify your area of interest and, more importantly, you should feel that if I do this thing, I would put all my efforts and spend hours together without getting bored.

(2) Niche selection

Then you find out if you choose them as your niche, will it work? Don’t panic. There are always ways to do this!

First, you use “Google auto-suggest” to identify what people are searching on the internet about the topic that you’ve chosen. To make it simple, let us take an example. If you want to start a blog on health and fitness, you need to type this keyword on the google search engine. To your surprise, you would get lots of keywords related to your searches, like health and fitness classes, health and fitness training, and many other.

 Secondly, you can collect more keywords from other tools like keywordtool.io, answerthepublic.com, and many other. Once you cumulate all the keywords together, you would get a clear picture of what people search about the topic that you have chosen.

(3) Keyword Validation

Now that you got some idea right! We move forward to the next step to validate your keywords using google trends. Here you would get an idea about which keywords people would search more frequently. By analysing using google trends, you can make sure that these keywords are in trend.

(4) Customer Avatar

Once you have done with the above three steps, you are halfway through your niche selection. Creating a customer avatar is more crucial and is a significant step.  If you aim to reach a particular group of people through your blog or training, you need to know what they lack and need. In other words, I could say a more specific solution to their problems. You need to do a small analysis to identify whether you would meet their requirement by providing them the content or service in this particular niche. In other words, you need to think about whether you could withstand the market.

I will walk you through a simple procedure to achieve this task. You need to approach a group of people and ask them a set of demographic and psychographic questions. Demographic questions enable you to identify their age group, gender, marital status, etc. On the other hand, psychographic questions would enable you to understand them a little deeper. Using these questions, you can identify their hobbies, achievements, where they hang out, their goal, attitude, their fear, pain, their challenges, and many other. Once you collect this information, you can develop your customer avatar.

How did I come up with the customer avatar?

I would take you through my personal experience. I felt that most Engineering college students lack employability skills. So, I approached a group of students keeping in mind that I could help them in personality development and soft skills.

I asked a few questions like what challenges they face while searching for jobs or attending the interview. Whether they could find a solution through the internet?

Surprisingly, Around 25% of students said that they could manage with the resources available on the internet. But almost 75% needed some well-structured training.

In deep conversations with one or two of them, I understood that they are introverts and find it challenging to speak in public.

They aspire to achieve higher positions in companies but mostly fail due to a lack of soft skills. So I decided to choose my niche as personality development and soft skills.  

I could provide some valuable information through my blog or some online courses to help them to meet out their challenge.

  But there is always a question of whether they would buy them or read it? Not always, right?  So, I might go ahead and think about handling some workshops to give them training or start some internship program online that works. I figured out my customer avatar like this.

Customer Avatar

Now I hope, you will get a clear picture of how you could create your customer avatar. Start tracing your passion and interest, work on them to find out your niche, come out with your customer avatar. If you find this useful please let me know by leaving your comments.

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3 thoughts on “4 little changes that’ll make a big difference with your niche”

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