affiliate marketing on amazon

5 Quick and Easy Secrets for How to Do Affiliate Marketing on Amazon

Do you know that affiliate marketing is one of the highest-earning income methods?

Yes! Affiliate marketers are earning a skyrocketed amount, and affiliate marketing is booming at a fast rate.

The affiliate marketing worth would be 8.2 billion U.S. dollars by the year 2022, against a 5.4 billion U.S dollars reported in the year 2017.

It is one of the most attractive earning methods where you can earn while sleeping also!

If you are a beginner, you can very well start your earnings with affiliate marketing on Amazon.

Affiliate marketing on amazon for beginners is one of the wisest choices if you are thinking about starting one.

In this article, I will walk you through all the steps involved in affiliate marketing on Amazon.

Before discussing the actual steps, you need to know what affiliate marketing is and how you can earn by affiliate marketing on Amazon.

Affiliate marketing is nothing but a process in which a person, also known as an affiliate (who does the affiliate marketing), promotes a product they like and earns a commission. 

If you are planning to do affiliate marketing, then you are an affiliate.

 You can choose any products of your choice from Amazon, start promoting them and earn a commission.

Now, you might think, this is what everyone tells me.

But actually, how does affiliate marketing on amazon or any other program work?

The affiliate marketing process involves a seller or merchant, an affiliate, and a customer.

The seller or a merchant is a solo entrepreneur or a retailer. Or he may be the owner of a big enterprise. An affiliate is a person who promotes the product.

Finally, if a customer buys a product by clicking your affiliate link, you will get an affiliate commission.

affiliate marketing model

Now that you understand what affiliate marketing is and how it works.

Let us dive into the best steps to start and do affiliate marketing on Amazon.

Step 1: Decide upon your Niche for starting an affiliate marketing on Amazon

Niche is more important than anything, and choosing your Niche is the primary step for selling your affiliate products.

Niche as per the definition in the dictionary can be stated as “a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service”

It is a unique combination of your interest, expertise, and market value.

Niche selection for affiliate marketing on amazon

Hey! Don’t panic. I will walk you through the simple steps for selecting your niche.

Before finalizing your niche, you must ask yourself the following:

What is my actual interest?

Will there be affiliate programs based on my passion?

Will there be a demand for that particular niche in the market?

Here are the simple steps to identify your niche for promoting products on amazon and get into the amazon affiliate program.

(i) Choose a category based on your interest:

The first and foremost thing is to select a broad Niche. 

Then, identify which products are selling the most, and finally narrow down your niche.

For example, the Household Appliances Market is a broad niche. Now you can narrow it down to large Electronics Appliances, like refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc.

Let’s take an example of a washing machine.

(ii) Identify the best selling product:

To identify the best selling product, you simply log in to and click on the “Best Sellers”.

affiliate marketing on amazon

On the left-hand side, you would get the categories and from there, click “Home and Kitchen” and then click “Large Appliances” and finally “Washing Machine and Dryers”. Refer to the below screenshot.

affiliate marketing on amazon

Here you can find the entire list of the best-selling washing machines. 

affiliate marketing on amazon

(iii) Check the cost per click using Keyword Planner:

Finding out the cost per click is of vital importance to excel in affiliate marketing on Amazon.

Higher cost per click is an indication of higher profits.

You need to log in to Then click on, “Tools & Settings” and “Keyword Planner”. 

Keyword Planner not only gives you the cost per click but also gives you keyword ideas. 

It gives you many keyword ideas on how people are searching on Google for that particular product. At the same time, it gives you the data on how many people are searching on an average per month?

affiliate marketing on amazon

Now from the available monthly search volume and cost per click, you can very well choose a particular product of your choice and interest to become successful in affiliate marketing programs.

I have handpicked some profitable Niche for you if you are a beginner in affiliate marketing:

  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Health and wellness.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Digital Marketing.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Fashion Beauty and cosmetics.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Personal finance and Investment.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Apparel and Accessories.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Education.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Kitchenware.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Entertainment (Movies and Music).
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Sports and Equipment.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Dating (Love & Relationship).
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Travel & Accommodations.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Technology & Gadgets.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Personality and Lifestyle.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Pet Care.
  • Affiliate marketing Niche on Hobbies (Do it Yourself, Photography, Videography, Gardening, etc.).

Next, we move on to the second step for starting affiliate marketing on Amazon.

Step2:Research and sign up for the Amazon affiliate program

Once you have finalized your niche, you can very well sign up for affiliate programs.

There are three different types of affiliate programs,

(i) High volume and low paying program

(ii) Low volume and high paying program

(iii) High volume and high paying program

For beginners, a high volume, low-paying program like the Amazon affiliate program is the best choice.

You can directly sign up for amazon associates with your mail ID by visiting

amazon affiliates

Once you have signed in, you can start promoting your product. Before getting into it deeply, you need to check out the amazon affiliate commission rate.

You can check the commission rate by clicking here

amazon affiliate commission

You need to consider one more point. There are some limitations on the amazon affiliate commission rates. So, carefully choose the product to promote. See the list below.

amazon affiliate commission

Now you are ready with your Niche and your product and good to go with the next step of promoting your products.

Step 3: Build a high-quality website for promoting your amazon affiliate products

After deciding upon your niche and logging in to the amazon affiliate program, you need to build a WordPress website and optimize it for Search Engine Optimization.

Now you might ask me whether it is not possible to do affiliate marketing without a website.

Yes Possible! You can promote your affiliate products through social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

At the same time, you can promote it through youtube as well.

But building a website is the wisest option to build your audience and to boost your affiliate sales.

Marketers who prioritize marketing efforts (making blogging a serious priority) are 13 times more likely to see a positive Return Of Investment.- Hubspot

Don’t panic. It’s damn easy for everyone to build a beautiful website without knowing codes using WordPress.

But one thing to remember is that you need to choose your Webhosting service with utmost care. Best Webhosting would help improve your business and marketing.

Before choosing your Webhosting service, you need to consider the following :

  • Understand your website’s requirements and needs.
  • Check the reliability of the server and its uptime.
  • Check for the availability of the Server upgrading option. 
  • Choose a budget-friendly and affordable hosting service.
  • Check for all the features available like managing content effortlessly, unlimited pages and posts, website portability, diversified infrastructure, etc.
  • Automatic website backup options.
  • The customer support system (chat, on-call).
  • Speed of both the server and the website.
  • Stability and reliability of the website.

I recommend you to buy the one from HOSTGATOR by clicking here. It offers an uptime guarantee of 99.9%, easy WordPress installation, a free domain for one year, and a free SSL certificate.

Don’t forget to use my promo code “HOSTGATORNOV21” to grab 65% off. Hurry up! Offer Ends Soon!

HostGator Optimized WordPress: Supercharged Speed, Seamless Scalability, Advanced Security, and much more! Packages start as low as $12.95/month!

Check out another hosting service by clicking here.

Step 4: Creating high-quality Content for  your amazon affiliate website

Now that you are familiar with identifying your Niche, signing up for an affiliate program, and building up your website. Right?

Then, we will move on to the next step of creating content. The content you create should grab the attention of your audience.

Before writing the content, you need to be familiar with your audience.

If we take the same example of a washing machine, your target audience is probably the working women.

Those women might find it difficult to wash their clothes.

Once you have identified them, you need to create content that is useful to them.

You need to analyze your dream customer. You need to ask yourself like,

What must be their pain points?

What sort of problems do they face before buying the product? 

How does this washing machine help them in saving their time and effort?

Don’ worry. There are always different ways for you to find out what people are searching on the internet.

Gator Website Builder

First, you go to “Quora” and type in the phrase of the product that you want to promote.

Then find out what people are talking about that particular product.

content ideas for affiliate marketing on amazon

Another interesting tool for finding out ideas for content creation is “answerthepublic”, and it is a  free tool.

affiliate marketing on amazon

You need to create high-quality, inspiring, and engaging content providing detailed information about that particular product.

The content might comprise specifications, features, and cost comparison, reviews, and ratings, etc.

You can also write on how to use and maintain, which model meets their needs, etc.

So, they might visit your website seeking a solution over and over again.

While writing the content, you need to use short paragraphs and readable sentences. So, the audience of all the literacy levels could read and understand it.

To make it more lively, you can create short videos, charts, infographics, statistics, and many more.

The main thing you need to keep in mind is that it should not contain any grammatical mistakes. 

At the same time, provide proper punctuation marks to enable the reader to understand the actual meaning of the information you are providing.

For making your content more readable and error-free, you can very well use a handy tool called Grammarly. It helps you to write error-free, readable, and high-quality content for attracting your customers.

Hey! I forgot to tell you one thing. Content is important. But what is more important is your title or headline.

You may ask me why we need to care about the title?

Because, among 8 out of 10 people who read the headline, only 2 of them may click the content. The title is more attention-grabbing. It has the power to vary the traffic. I would suggest you follow these simple three steps to make your headlines more attractive:

  • Always use specific numbers in your headline, and that too small odd numbers like 5,7,9 or 11.
  • Use rationales like tips, ways, reasons, facts, secrets, ideas, etc.
  • Use attention-grabbing power words that are unique, ultra-specific, useful, and induce urgency. Say, for example, breathtaking, surprising, sensational, fearless, belief, etc.

If you want to write a dashing title to grab the attention of your audience, click here. 

Step5: Start promoting your Amazon affiliate products

Now we have come to the last and significant step that leads to your first sale.

Yes! It’s always easy to promote your products with the advent of this Digital Technology.

You heard it right! Social media is always handy to build your audience.

If you are a beginner, Facebook is the most flexible and user-friendly medium to promote your product.

Facebook allows you to find out your targeted audience based on their demography and geographical location. 

You can even sell your product sitting in India to people in Singapore.

You can run ads on Facebook by spending very little, which is quite affordable.

Let’s see the dashboard of Facebook ads:

Facebook ads for affiliate marketing on amazon

If you see the dashboard above, you can understand how powerful the Facebook ads are!

Just at Rs.340/-, the ad reached more than 36,000 people. It’s almost 100 times more than the amount that you spent on ads. 

Are you not excited?

Similarly, you can run Google ads also to drive traffic to your website promoting your product. But compared to Facebook ads, it’s a little costly. 

Google ads for affiliate marketing on amazon

Apart from these two social media ads, you can drive traffic via Search Engine Optimization.

Here are five tips to drive organic traffic to your website:

  • Always look for long-term success and avoid shortcuts.
  • Avoid repeated usage of the same content. Focus on providing excellent and consistent content.
  • Avoid using long and hard-to-read sentences while writing.
  • Do efficient keyword research and focus on long-tail keywords.
  • Focus on link building.

Conclusion :

 To sum up, the best proven, quick, and easy steps for doing affiliate marketing on amazon are :

niche selection, enrolling in an amazon affiliate program, building a WordPress website, creating high quality and consistent content, and selling your affiliate products.

I hope you must be as excited as I am. Don’t look back! Start today!

Don’t forget to share your comments.

Frequently Asked Questions :

1. How do I become an affiliate marketer for Amazon?

To become an affiliate is an easy 5 step process:

  1. Identify your niche.
  2. Login to the amazon affiliate program and choose your product.
  3.  Build a WordPress website (don’t worry if you do not want to build a website. You can promote your products using social media and youtube as well)
  4. Create high-quality content.
  5. Promote your products and get your sales.

2. How much does it cost to start Amazon affiliate marketing?

   Zero. Yes, It does not cost you anything.

3. How does Amazon pay for affiliate marketing?

Amazon will pay you when a person purchases through your affiliate link. First, a person should visit your site and click the affiliate link provided by you. Then he should buy it within 24 hours.

Otherwise, he can add it to the cart and complete his purchase within 89 days. 

Then amazon pays you the commission ranging from 1% to 10%, depending on the prescribed amazon affiliate commission rate.

4. How does Amazon pay for affiliate marketing?

Amazon pays either through NEFT or cheque. For NEFT, you should make at least a sale for Rs.1000. Whereas for cheque, it’s Rs.2500.

5. How much commission does amazon affiliates make?

The commission might range from 1% to 10% as prescribed by Amazon. Click here to learn more.

 To join the Digital Marketing club which offers world-class features click here.



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